Notes to self
The white arrow seen near the bottom of the front panel of the Pixhawk case isn't a pointless graphic - when installing the unit this arrow should be pointing towards the front of the quadcopter (see the standard orientation section of the ArduPilot setup guide).
To shrink pictures to fit within a 2048x2048 box while maintaining their aspect ratio:
$ mkdir small
$ for i in *.jpg; do convert $i -resize 2048x2048\> small/$i; done
$ convert ~/Downloads/IMG_2017XYZ.jpg -resize 2048x2048\> result.jpg
$ file *.jpg | sed -n 's/\(.*\.jpg\):.*precision ., \([0-9]*\)x\([0-9]*\).*/\1 \2 \3/p' | while read line; do x=( $line ); echo -n "${x[0]} "; if [ ${x[1]} -gt ${x[2]} ]; then echo width; else echo height; fi; done
To setup screen capture in OpenTX:
- Go to Model selection.
- PAGE to Special functions.
- Use the dial to select a free slot.
- Press ENTER and then flick e.g. the upper right momentary switch.
- Press ENTER to confirm this switch.
- Dial over one to the function, press ENTER and dial down to Screenshot and ENTER to select.
No whenever you flip the momentary switch a screenshot ends up in the SCREENSHOTS directory on the SD card.
To scale the resulting BMPs without any smoothing:
$ convert -scale 200% x.bmp y.png
Or for multiple files:
for i in *.bmp
convert -scale 200% $i ${i%.bmp}.png
The warnings can be ignored and seem to be a result of incorrect header data in the original BMPs from OpenTX.
Note that BMP is a space inefficient format - even at up to 16 times multiplication the resulting PNG is still smaller than the original BMP.